Overall Class Group Bib Nation Name Team Class A Start (Talybont on Usk Henderson Hall) B Llangorse Lake C Hike Start D Pen-y-Fan Summit E Hike Finish F Talybont on Usk G Llangattock H Finish (Talybont on Usk Henderson Hall) Time Score
1 1 1 30 Team OTE Course 1 00:53:06 06:34:00 12-06-21 00:31:14 07:05:14 12-06-21 00:58:46 08:04:00 12-06-21 01:21:51 09:25:51 12-06-21 00:59:09 10:25:00 12-06-21 00:30:00 10:55:00 12-06-21 00:30:35 11:25:35 12-06-21 00:25:25 11:51:00 12-06-21 05:17:00 4pts
2 2 2 38 Tracey Beacons Course 1 00:47:28 06:28:00 12-06-21 00:37:55 07:05:55 12-06-21 01:07:05 08:13:00 12-06-21 01:18:31 09:31:31 12-06-21 00:56:29 10:28:00 12-06-21 00:38:00 11:06:00 12-06-21 00:37:10 11:43:10 12-06-21 00:33:50 12:17:00 12-06-21 05:49:00 4pts
3 3 1 3 Cheesy Ear Course 1 01:23:00 07:05:00 12-06-21 00:39:42 07:44:42 12-06-21 01:02:18 08:47:00 12-06-21 01:31:41 10:18:41 12-06-21 01:06:19 11:25:00 12-06-21 00:39:00 12:04:00 12-06-21 00:28:19 12:32:19 12-06-21 00:32:41 13:05:00 12-06-21 06:00:00 4pts
4 4 3 25 Superfit Course 1 01:02:41 06:47:00 12-06-21 00:40:14 07:27:14 12-06-21 01:13:46 08:41:00 12-06-21 01:33:45 10:14:45 12-06-21 01:13:15 11:28:00 12-06-21 00:47:00 12:15:00 12-06-21 00:32:22 12:47:22 12-06-21 00:35:38 13:23:00 12-06-21 06:36:00 4pts
5 5 1 13 Last Orders Course 1 01:11:17 06:54:00 12-06-21 00:37:59 07:31:59 12-06-21 01:04:01 08:36:00 12-06-21 01:52:28 10:28:28 12-06-21 01:36:32 12:05:00 12-06-21 00:40:00 12:45:00 12-06-21 00:26:03 13:11:03 12-06-21 00:32:57 13:44:00 12-06-21 06:50:00 4pts
6 6 2 12 I am sure i'll think of a good name Course 1 01:11:52 06:55:00 12-06-21 00:42:50 07:37:50 12-06-21 01:16:10 08:54:00 12-06-21 01:46:19 10:40:19 12-06-21 01:22:41 12:03:00 12-06-21 00:43:00 12:46:00 12-06-21 00:32:53 13:18:53 12-06-21 00:37:07 13:56:00 12-06-21 07:01:00 4pts
7 1 1 36 The Good the Bad and the Other 2 Course 2 00:56:46 06:40:00 12-06-21 00:42:19 08:33:19 12-06-21 01:16:41 09:50:00 12-06-21 01:50:47 11:40:47 12-06-21 01:35:13 13:16:00 12-06-21 00:43:27 07:51:00 12-06-21 00:27:33 07:07:33 12-06-21 00:34:00 13:50:00 12-06-21 07:10:00 4pts
8 7 4 11 HillTeam3 Course 1 00:52:37 06:35:00 12-06-21 00:38:46 07:13:46 12-06-21 01:13:14 08:27:00 12-06-21 01:46:15 10:13:15 12-06-21 01:52:45 12:06:00 12-06-21 00:42:00 12:48:00 12-06-21 00:28:09 13:16:09 12-06-21 00:34:51 13:51:00 12-06-21 07:16:00 4pts
9 8 1 8 Hawkhurst Gang Course 1 00:25:18 06:05:00 12-06-21 00:43:04 06:48:04 12-06-21 01:31:56 08:20:00 12-06-21 01:51:29 10:11:29 12-06-21 01:49:31 12:01:00 12-06-21 00:37:00 12:38:00 12-06-21 00:30:59 13:08:59 12-06-21 00:29:01 13:38:00 12-06-21 07:33:00 4pts
10 9 2 22 Royal Oak Rugby Club Course 1 01:40:37 07:23:00 12-06-21 00:41:57 08:04:57 12-06-21 01:17:03 09:22:00 12-06-21 02:00:23 11:22:23 12-06-21 02:00:37 13:23:00 12-06-21 00:44:00 14:07:00 12-06-21 00:28:52 14:35:52 12-06-21 00:34:08 15:10:00 12-06-21 07:47:00 4pts
11 10 3 1 Barbarian Bikers Course 1 01:24:28 07:03:00 12-06-21 00:45:07 07:48:07 12-06-21 01:20:53 09:09:00 12-06-21 02:14:31 11:23:31 12-06-21 01:56:29 13:20:00 12-06-21 00:46:00 14:06:00 12-06-21 00:32:59 14:38:59 12-06-21 00:34:01 15:13:00 12-06-21 08:10:00 4pts
12 11 5 26 Team Cameo Course 1 01:08:17 06:54:00 12-06-21 00:42:22 07:36:22 12-06-21 01:24:38 09:01:00 12-06-21 02:18:46 11:19:46 12-06-21 01:54:14 13:14:00 12-06-21 00:38:00 13:52:00 12-06-21 00:36:13 14:28:13 12-06-21 00:38:47 15:07:00 12-06-21 08:13:00 4pts
13 2 1 6 First Timers Course 2 00:45:22 06:27:00 12-06-21 00:49:28 08:26:28 12-06-21 01:28:32 09:55:00 12-06-21 02:25:47 12:20:47 12-06-21 01:53:13 14:14:00 12-06-21 00:32:19 07:37:00 12-06-21 00:37:41 07:04:41 12-06-21 00:38:00 14:52:00 12-06-21 08:25:00 4pts
14 12 6 21 Rosie's Rabble Course 1 00:45:38 06:29:00 12-06-21 00:47:15 07:16:15 12-06-21 01:18:45 08:35:00 12-06-21 02:22:38 10:57:38 12-06-21 02:03:22 13:01:00 12-06-21 00:46:00 13:47:00 12-06-21 00:42:06 14:29:06 12-06-21 00:36:54 15:06:00 12-06-21 08:37:00 4pts
15 3 2 20 Pain killers Course 2 00:50:19 06:36:00 12-06-21 01:03:04 08:57:04 12-06-21 01:55:56 10:53:00 12-06-21 02:11:22 13:04:22 12-06-21 01:40:38 14:45:00 12-06-21 00:38:39 07:54:00 12-06-21 00:39:21 07:15:21 12-06-21 00:38:00 15:23:00 12-06-21 08:47:00 4pts
16 13 3 33 The Beacons are Lit Course 1 01:30:54 07:15:00 12-06-21 00:45:14 08:00:14 12-06-21 01:35:46 09:36:00 12-06-21 02:17:34 11:53:34 12-06-21 02:04:26 13:58:00 12-06-21 00:59:00 14:57:00 12-06-21 03:41:23 15:34:57 12-06-21 00:41:03 16:16:00 12-06-21 09:01:00 4pts
17 4 2 24 Square Earthers Course 2 00:38:58 06:25:00 12-06-21 00:54:26 08:46:26 12-06-21 01:54:34 10:41:00 12-06-21 02:25:41 13:06:41 12-06-21 02:00:19 15:07:00 12-06-21 00:45:19 07:52:00 12-06-21 00:41:41 07:06:41 12-06-21 00:45:00 15:52:00 12-06-21 09:27:00 4pts
18 14 4 4 Economists of Scale Course 1 01:36:06 07:23:00 12-06-21 00:42:55 08:05:55 12-06-21 01:32:05 09:38:00 12-06-21 02:33:13 12:11:13 12-06-21 02:17:47 14:29:00 12-06-21 01:04:00 15:33:00 12-06-21 00:39:33 16:12:33 12-06-21 00:40:27 16:53:00 12-06-21 09:30:00 4pts
19 5 3 29 Team JDL Course 2 00:58:07 06:41:00 12-06-21 00:50:03 09:13:03 12-06-21 01:46:57 11:00:00 12-06-21 02:30:19 13:30:19 12-06-21 02:06:41 15:37:00 12-06-21 01:15:37 08:23:00 12-06-21 00:26:23 07:07:23 12-06-21 00:36:00 16:13:00 12-06-21 09:32:00 4pts
20 15 5 31 Team Thomas Course 1 01:24:40 07:05:00 12-06-21 00:59:29 08:04:29 12-06-21 01:49:31 09:54:00 12-06-21 02:16:48 12:10:48 12-06-21 02:05:12 14:16:00 12-06-21 00:46:00 15:02:00 12-06-21 00:43:13 15:45:13 12-06-21 00:57:47 16:43:00 12-06-21 09:38:00 4pts
20 15 4 34 The Dusketeers Course 1 07:35:00 12-06-21 01:03:48 08:38:48 12-06-21 02:06:12 10:45:00 12-06-21 02:07:06 12:52:06 12-06-21 01:52:54 14:45:00 12-06-21 00:58:00 15:43:00 12-06-21 00:43:29 16:26:29 12-06-21 00:46:31 17:13:00 12-06-21 09:38:00 4pts
22 17 4 35 The FARR-TURZ Course 1 01:21:46 07:06:00 12-06-21 00:51:31 07:57:31 12-06-21 01:42:29 09:40:00 12-06-21 02:41:45 12:21:45 12-06-21 02:14:15 14:36:00 12-06-21 00:57:00 15:33:00 12-06-21 00:34:10 16:07:10 12-06-21 00:47:50 16:55:00 12-06-21 09:49:00 4pts
23 18 5 23 Rurton Bleedes Course 1 01:29:51 07:10:00 12-06-21 01:41:11 08:51:11 12-06-21 01:35:49 10:27:00 12-06-21 02:31:30 12:58:30 12-06-21 01:58:30 14:57:00 12-06-21 00:39:00 15:36:00 12-06-21 00:46:56 16:22:56 12-06-21 00:42:04 17:05:00 12-06-21 09:55:00 4pts
24 19 2 14 Los Jefes Course 1 06:14:00 12-06-21 00:48:51 07:05:34 12-06-21 01:37:26 08:43:00 12-06-21 03:08:46 11:51:46 12-06-21 02:25:14 14:17:00 12-06-21 00:51:00 15:08:00 12-06-21 00:37:07 15:45:07 12-06-21 00:36:53 16:22:00 12-06-21 10:08:00 4pts
25 6 3 16 No Team Sky Course 2 06:30:00 12-06-21 00:54:50 08:38:50 12-06-21 01:58:10 10:37:00 12-06-21 03:04:59 13:41:59 12-06-21 02:19:01 16:01:00 12-06-21 00:38:55 07:44:00 12-06-21 00:32:54 07:05:05 12-06-21 00:41:00 16:42:00 12-06-21 10:12:00 4pts
26 7 4 10 Hill Team 2 Course 2 00:41:21 06:24:00 12-06-21 01:04:23 08:59:23 12-06-21 01:55:37 10:55:00 12-06-21 02:49:35 13:44:35 12-06-21 02:10:25 15:55:00 12-06-21 00:55:17 07:55:00 12-06-21 00:35:43 06:59:43 12-06-21 00:49:00 16:44:00 12-06-21 10:20:00 4pts
27 8 5 9 Hill Team 1 Course 2 00:35:36 06:18:00 12-06-21 00:59:03 08:32:03 12-06-21 02:05:57 10:38:00 12-06-21 02:58:12 13:36:12 12-06-21 02:16:48 15:53:00 12-06-21 00:40:41 07:33:00 12-06-21 00:34:19 06:52:19 12-06-21 00:51:00 16:44:00 12-06-21 10:26:00 4pts
28 20 3 18 Numero Uno Course 1 00:27:00 06:12:00 12-06-21 00:58:58 07:10:58 12-06-21 01:42:02 08:53:00 12-06-21 02:58:11 11:51:11 12-06-21 02:26:49 14:18:00 12-06-21 00:50:00 15:08:00 12-06-21 00:48:30 15:56:30 12-06-21 00:45:30 16:42:00 12-06-21 10:30:00 4pts
29 21 4 19 Older But No Wiser 1 Course 1 00:19:21 06:03:00 12-06-21 00:59:58 07:02:58 12-06-21 01:48:02 08:51:00 12-06-21 03:03:07 11:54:07 12-06-21 02:22:53 14:17:00 12-06-21 01:02:00 15:19:00 12-06-21 00:42:28 16:01:28 12-06-21 00:52:32 16:54:00 12-06-21 10:51:00 4pts
30 22 6 27 Team Chris Course 1 07:16:00 12-06-21 00:57:15 08:13:15 12-06-21 02:09:45 10:23:00 12-06-21 03:04:22 13:27:22 12-06-21 02:14:38 15:42:00 12-06-21 01:03:00 16:45:00 12-06-21 01:00:40 17:45:40 12-06-21 00:56:20 18:42:00 12-06-21 11:26:00 4pts
31 9 5 28 Team Extreme Course 2 00:38:18 06:24:00 12-06-21 01:15:03 09:01:03 12-06-21 01:41:57 10:43:00 12-06-21 02:58:15 13:41:15 12-06-21 01:48:45 15:30:00 12-06-21 00:45:38 07:46:00 12-06-21 00:36:22 07:00:22 12-06-21 02:25:00 17:55:00 12-06-21 11:31:00 4pts
32 10 6 15 MR Amenity Course 2 00:42:30 06:23:00 12-06-21 01:14:02 09:15:02 12-06-21 01:34:58 10:50:00 12-06-21 03:18:14 14:08:14 12-06-21 01:21:46 15:30:00 12-06-21 01:00:34 08:01:00 12-06-21 00:37:26 07:00:26 12-06-21 02:25:00 17:55:00 12-06-21 11:32:00 4pts
33 23 5 5 Fearless Chicks Course 1 00:17:47 06:00:00 12-06-21 00:58:58 06:58:58 12-06-21 02:04:02 09:03:00 12-06-21 03:18:02 12:21:02 12-06-21 02:11:58 14:33:00 12-06-21 01:01:00 15:34:00 12-06-21 00:59:19 16:33:19 12-06-21 01:01:41 17:35:00 12-06-21 11:35:00 4pts
34 11 6 7 Hard Caws Course 2 00:40:11 06:20:00 12-06-21 01:14:56 09:00:56 12-06-21 02:09:04 11:10:00 12-06-21 03:22:00 14:32:00 12-06-21 02:34:00 17:06:00 12-06-21 00:44:44 07:46:00 12-06-21 00:41:16 07:01:16 12-06-21 01:01:00 18:07:00 12-06-21 11:47:00 4pts
35 24 6 2 Cameo's Angels Course 1 06:30:00 12-06-21 01:09:26 07:39:26 12-06-21 02:07:00 10:08:00 12-06-21 03:12:28 13:20:28 12-06-21 02:22:32 15:43:00 12-06-21 01:03:00 16:46:00 12-06-21 00:44:45 17:30:45 12-06-21 01:09:15 18:40:00 12-06-21 12:10:00 4pts
36 25 7 17 Not Fast Just Furious Course 1 06:16:00 12-06-21 01:16:54 07:32:54 12-06-21 02:52:06 10:25:00 12-06-21 02:39:57 13:04:57 12-06-21 02:20:03 15:25:00 12-06-21 01:14:21 16:39:21 12-06-21 00:58:52 17:38:13 12-06-21 00:48:47 18:27:00 12-06-21 12:11:00 4pts
37 26 6 37 The Mounting Goats Course 1 01:29:55 07:13:00 12-06-21 00:37:00 07:50:00 12-06-21 01:12:00 09:02:00 12-06-21 02:07:45 11:09:45 12-06-21 02:02:15 13:12:00 12-06-21 00:40:00 13:52:00 12-06-21 00:32:12 14:24:12 12-06-21 00:38:48 15:03:00 12-06-21 07:50:00 3pts
38 12 7 39 We thought it was just a walk Course 2 00:52:16 06:31:00 12-06-21 01:30:33 10:10:33 12-06-21 01:13:27 11:24:00 12-06-21 00:58:01 08:40:00 12-06-21 01:10:59 07:41:59 12-06-21 04:06:00 15:30:00 12-06-21 08:59:00 3pts
39 27 7 32 The A Team Course 1 00:57:01 06:36:00 12-06-21 01:17:00 07:53:00 12-06-21 01:28:00 09:21:00 12-06-21 02:30:44 11:51:44 12-06-21 02:14:16 14:06:00 12-06-21 00:46:00 14:52:00 12-06-21 00:35:09 15:27:09 12-06-21 00:28:00 16:10:00 12-06-21 09:34:00 3pts