Overall Gender Class Group Bib Nation Name Team Class Group Gender Last Location Start Hole in the wall Finish Time
4 1 4 24 Emma Bramley Full Female Finish 18:00:06 14-07-23 00:31:56 18:32:02 14-07-23 00:18:49 18:50:51 14-07-23 00:50:45
10 2 10 1 4 Kirsty Hall Wharfedale Harriers Full FV40 Female Finish 18:00:06 14-07-23 00:32:44 18:32:50 14-07-23 00:20:30 18:53:20 14-07-23 00:53:14
15 3 15 1 6 Esther Harrison Thirsk and Sowerby Harriers Full F Female Finish 18:00:06 14-07-23 00:35:55 18:36:01 14-07-23 00:21:00 18:57:01 14-07-23 00:56:55
20 4 20 1 2 Lindsay Buck Cumberland Fell Runners Full FV60 Female Finish 18:00:06 14-07-23 00:42:44 18:42:50 14-07-23 00:33:01 19:15:51 14-07-23 01:15:45